Electrical Repairs
Both homes and apartments may need to replace worn out showers. Typical signs may include the shower overheating , high pitched motor noise , low flow etc. I will diagnose the problem and replace if required.If the shower is fluctuating between very hot and cold there may be a flow problem. This problem can usually be repaired by clearing filters in the shower.
Light fittings can become brittle with old age and heat. Bathroom "globe" lights often get smashed in apartments or the fittings may come loose in the ceiling. I will repair or replace where necessary.
How many Corkmen does it take to change a lightbulb? Answer: One!! A lot of bulbs may be inaccessible or become difficult to take out. Some bulbs are difficult to find or require some work to reach. Offices may benefit from a 6 monthly visit to check all bulbs are working properly. Even though bulbs are working they may have dimmed gradually so that you dont notice how bad they are...
Shops will not connect or disconnect your oven or other appliances. They require it to be ready for them to take away. I can disconnect and rewire your oven/hob and any carpentry required to refit the new one. Likewise i can plumb new washing machines, dishwashers etc. I can drill the large extractor fan hole to extract fumes, steam and gases from cooking . You may need to widen a space or fill a space for a new appliance.
When these fans are not working, mould and moisture can build up in apartments and houses. I can replace timer fans or the standard fan or clean out dust causing blockages
Dont take chances with partly damaged sockets and switches. They are not expensive to replace
These security spotlights rust after a while and may need replacing. Many houses have the wiring in place in the back and simply need to connected up. Why not replace with an infra red PIR sensor for extra security